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My new blog

here is my new blog
with Bahasa Indonesia
let's check it out guys!

A few days to IM Telkom

I'm so wondering, how is my campus looks like. Cause I never see that before, and I'm just imagine it in my mind. And finally, the day that I'm waiting for so long has come. I see my campus with my own eyes, when i was be there for fulfill my registration to be completely. I'm so excited, because the campus is bigger than i thought. Honest, I'm very glad after see that, then I lit the fireworks and dancing like jester (in my mind). Here is my campus, Institut Manajemen Telkom (Telkom Institute of Management)
Institut Manajemen Telkom
So big, isn't?

"KACAMATA" a film by SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Banjarbaru

I really miss this blog, cause i've been left this for a long time. This time i will share my first short movie. Made by me, and all of my best friend (Log10). In my "marvelous" school, Vocational School of Telecommunicaton Sandhy Putra Banjarbaru. Basically, this film is made for show in farewell party. But this film also being allour memories about our school.

The title of my short movie is "Kacamata", telling about Isur's life in his new school. Actually, Isur is a nerd. But, because something, his character change into 180 degrees. And something bad happen to him. Want to know more?
Just watch it!
Part I

Javanese (Indonesia) Part I

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